Here's a delight for your Monday morning, my lovely blog readers! Last evening I went to the Revere Beach Sandcastle Competition to view the creations, and let me tell you, even at 8:30 PM, the crowds were abundant. Although it was my idea, I credit my generally very enthusiastic mother for dragging the combined dullness of me and my father out of the house. The above sandcastle was actually strung with holiday lights and itself was about 5 feet tall, and it was perched on a 5 foot tall mountain of sculpted sand that I didn't get in the picture. It was eeeeenormous.
I overheard some ladies saying this next one was the winner, but I have no idea. It was the most striking, however. The whole inside of the shell was hollowed out!
Have a lovely Monday! And if you want a tinge of bitterness to your Monday, just think about how these sandcastles will be destroyed by today's thunderstorms! I almost wish I could be there to watch it. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!